We’re here to help.

Got any questions? You’ve come to the right place. If you still need a hand, simply drop us a line through our online chat for a speedy reply, we’re always here and happy to help.

  • What is Lux Island Resorts Ltd’s ticker symbol?

    The symbol is NRL.

  • On what exchange is Lux Island Resorts Ltd's stock traded?

    The shares of Lux Island Resorts Ltd are traded on the main market of The Stock Exchange of Mauritius.

  • Where is Lux Island Resorts Ltd headquartered?

    Lux Island Resorts Ltd is a Mauritian Company headquartered in Floreal, Mauritius.

  • What was the date of Lux Island Resorts Ltd’s initial public offering (IPO)?

    Lux Island Resorts Ltd was incorporated in 1987 and its shareholders were mainly institutional investors. The shares of the Company were admitted on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius in November 2005. The last rights issue was undertaken in November 2010.

  • How do I invest in Lux Island Resorts Ltd?

    If you want to become a shareholder of Lux Island Resorts Ltd, you have to open an account with one of the accredited stockbrokers in Mauritius.

  • Does Lux Island Resorts Ltd have a dividend reinvestment program?

    We do not currently have a program in place. The dividend policy of the Company is to distribute 50% of the annual profit after tax subject to cash flow.

  • How many shares of Lux Island Resorts Ltd are in issue?

    The number of shares in issue as at 30th June 2019 is 137,115,943.

  • Who is Lux Island Resorts Ltd’s transfer agent?

    We do not have a transfer agent. Potential shareholders have to contact the accredited stockbrokers in Mauritius.

  • What is Lux Island Resorts Ltd’s fiscal year?

    The fiscal year is ending 30th June.

  • Where can I find Lux Island Resorts Ltd’s financial documents?

    You will find the financial documents on its website (www.luxislandresorts.com) in the Financial Reporting section.

  • Who are Lux Island Resorts Ltd’s independent auditors?

    The appointment of the independent auditors is submitted each year to the shareholders for their approval. For the time being, the independent auditors of the Company are EY.

  • Where can I find information on Lux Island Resorts Ltd’s Management?

    You will find this information in the annual report and on the website.

  • How do I subscribe to marketing communication on Lux Island Resorts Ltd’s hotels?

    You may register on the following link to have access to marketing communication on Lux Island Resorts’s hotels.

  • Who do I contact about Lux Island Resorts Ltd development opportunities?

    You may contact either the CEO or the CFO.

  • What are Lux Island Resorts Ltd Corporate Governance Policies?

    Please refer to the Corporate Governance section on the website for details.

  • Do shareholders receive any hotel discounts?

    At this time they do not.

  • Do you have another question that hasn't been answered?

    Please submit your question relating to :
    - Finance to hurrydeo.ramlagun@lir.mu
    - Corporate and Legal to annabelle.forget@lir.mu
    - Booking / Reservations to maita.delautre@theluxcollective.com

  • What is the role of The Lux Collective Ltd (formerly known as LUX Hospitality Ltd)?

    Lux Island Resorts Ltd is the investment property holding company which owns the real estate assets and the hotel operations which are managed by The Lux Collective Ltd under long term management contracts. The Lux Collective Ltd is the management company which owns a portfolio of brands namely LUX*, Tamassa, SALT, SOCIO and Café LUX*. The Lux Collective Ltd manages the hotels owned by Lux Island Resorts Ltd and other owners.

  • Question on Café LUX*?

    Café LUX* is the Coffee brand of The Lux Collective Ltd.



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